2015 B2C Marcomm Survey

Welcome and thank you for participating in this research survey.

You will be asked a number of questions relating to 3 of your brand’s recent marketing communications initiatives (you may call these “campaigns,” “content marketing initiatives,” “programs,” “platforms,” or similar).

Our goal is to conduct primary research into what differentiates good initiatives from great ones. There are no wrong answers and we encourage you to answer openly and honestly.

Please navigate through this survey by clicking on the "Next" button at the bottom of every page.

This survey is being conducted by CEB Marketing, an independent research organization. By voluntarily participating in this survey, I understand that my responses are confidential and will be used solely for research purposes by CEB Marketing Leadership Council. 

At the end of the survey, you will have the opportunity to suggest other brand managers who might want to take the survey.

What you receive by taking this survey:

• Practical lessons on today’s winning marcomm initiatives
• A benchmarking report comparing your best initiatives to peers’ best initiatives.
• Recommendations on how to develop winning marcomm initiatives cost-efficiently.
• A walk-through of your results.

If your organization submits a total of 12 or more initiatives, you also get:
A deeper look at your organization’s success factors and strengths, plus feedback on next steps.


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