Marketing excellence requires more than words. It requires a level of expertise with respect to marketing knowledge and marketing attitudes.

The Marketing Excellence Survey provides us a way to benchmark our organization against a worldwide database of 80,000 peers from the world's best companies. This will allow us to calibrate our marketing excellence against top companies.

Building marketing excellence is not an individual effort, it requires everyone's participation. Thus, everyone's participation is important.

By completing the on-line Marketing Excellence Survey you will receive a confidential Personal Feedback Report that benchmarks your marketing knowledge and marketing attitudes against worldwide peers in the MES database.

Confidentiality Note:

I understand that my responses are confidential and will only be used in an aggregate level to generate our company report. No one at my organization will have access to my individual responses, except my name and email address, which are shared solely for the purpose of tracking survey participation.

The Marketing Excellence Survey™ will take reasonable steps to ensure that the information provided is accurate, secure, and current to its intended use, including 128-bit encryption when available on browsers.

To being the survey, please submit your email address and name below.

© 2016 CEB
1919 North Lynn Street  | Arlington, VA 22209 | p: +1 571-303-3000 | f: +1 571-303-3100